Five Reasons to Sit on a Gym Ball

Available in a range of diameters for all heights, gym balls are very efficient. Much more so than you thought. Start off by sitting on one and you will soon discover why. Gym balls are used for stretching, building up muscles, and maintaining posture and are typical of the Pilates method.

Five Reasons to Sit on a Gym Ball

/!\ Remember to keep the ball properly inflated for optimal use (read the user manual).

1. Gym balls improve posture

If you have gotten out of the habit of sitting up straight, then gym balls are an excellent way of correcting your posture.

Sitting on a gym ball will correct and improve your posture.

The instability of the gym ball causes you to change position frequently. This makes it so that you become more acutely aware of your posture.

At the same time, you improve your overall bodily posture and, more importantly, you protect your back against problems caused by a poor position.

2. Gym balls improve balance

Gym balls undeniably help to improve bodily and mental balance.

Regardless of the exercises you do on a gym ball, they all make you find your balance and maintain a good position.

By seeking and controlling your balance, you will also develop your ability to concentrate.

3. Gym balls for a flat stomach

It may come as a surprise to you, by gym balls are great for toning up the abdominals.

To stay sitting on the gym ball, not only do you contract the muscles in your lower limbs, but you also use your abdominals in order to maintain your balance.

This is the reason why a gym ball can help to tone up your abdominal belt.

4. Gym balls shape the legs and tone up the figure

Sitting on a gym ball is all about controlling instability.

You will naturally contract the muscles in your knees, hips and ankles.

And without realizing it, you will strengthen your deep muscles and your spine.

By getting into the habit of using your gym ball on a regular basis (15 minutes per day to begin with), you will tone up your muscles and your figure in general.

Exercising your deep muscles combats cellulite.

5. Gym balls are good for your health

By making you adopt a good posture, gym balls prevent back pain, especially in the lower back. The micro-movements you make in order to maintain good posture on the gym ball strengthen the back muscles.

These micro-movements and your non-static position on the gym ball also improve your blood circulation.

And since you are always in motion, without even realizing it, you remain energetic and develop your tone.

Gym balls significantly improve your general state of health. You will feel more energetic and be in better shape.

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