Post-quarantine: Precautions Before Getting Back Into Exercise

Post-quarantine: Precautions Before Getting Back Into Exercise

Our Incline Bench Press comes with a rack for getting back into chest presses safely

If you've been indoors for a long time, you're probably anxious to get back into the rhythm of your routine, whether that means going on a run, riding your bike, or lifting weights at the gym. But before you get back into the swing of things, here are some things to be careful of.

How do bodies get accustomed to being sedentary?

The body takes 3 weeks to get used to a new routine. When you become more sedentary, you invite some new and unpleasant developments: stiffness, aches, fatigue. Your back may begin to get used to your new (unhealthy) posture, promoting the development of pain. You'll notice that the lack of movement and activity will cause physical changes in your body.

If you're working at a desk, pay attention to your posture. Bad posture tends to create a host of other problems in your body over time. This isn't limited to just a slouched back at your desk, either! Picture this: you're sinking in your comfy couch, your feet comfortably resting on the coffee table, your laptop on your lap. While this may seem like a comfortable position, it applies unnecessary tension on your body, with your lower back doing a lot of extra work and your neck muscles engaged just to keep your eyes on the screen. This position is generally bad for your pelvis, spine, and iliopsoas. In unnatural positions, your spinal discs may become compressed, resulting in lower back pain, leg pain, or sciatica.

Be sure to place your laptop on a high table, use a mouse, and keep your forearm resting on the table so your shoulder can be relaxed. Stretch regularly.

Body stiffness

After being inside for a while, chances are that your overall movement and exercise is down. This results in stiffening of the joints. Think of a reed: a flexible reed has less of a chance of breaking when bent; if you're sedentary, your body is likely stiff and rigid and thus prone to tears and aches (especailly when you're trying to start moving again). Simply put, a rigid body is less flexible.

Start getting back into your workout routine from anywhere with our Comfort Pilates Mat


You've also probably lost some muscle mass. Because your muscles haven't been called upon and engaged in the same way, your muscle strength has likely waned. Careful when getting back to lifting heavy things: you'll probably be unable to lift the same weights you're used to.

If you're looking to ease back into it, consider a self-guided weightlifting program.


Just like your other muscles, your heart has certainly had a bit less work lately. You should be increasing your heart rate progressively, just like you would progress to heavier weights in the gym. Raise your cardio frequency and intensity bit by bit.

If you're not into cardio but still want to keep your heart healthy, consider going on walks (especailly when it's nice out)!


Whatever your sport, whatever your activity, and whatever your activity level, getting back into your routine is a matter of steady progression. Guage your current level and adjust, then continue on from there.

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