Beginner's Guide to Running At 40

Long live the later passions in life! Discovering running at 40 years old often means radically overturning certain (bad) habits. There's a method to follow so as to make sure your passion for running will last.‍

Beginner's Guide to Running At 40
1. Confirm that you have Medical Clearance to Start Exercising

Make sure you are healthy enough to exercise. Ask your doctor about your plans and ask for advice on how to start out.

2. Make Sure to use Good Quality Equipment

Obvious? Certainly. Huge progress has been made these last 30 years to allow runners of all levels to run with maximum comfort and safety.

For your running shoes: Choose a model while taking into account your type of stride, your weight, and the type of ground where you train (tarmac or dirt trail). Don't hesitate to ask for advice from someone in-store!

3. Respect Your Rate of Progress

It is important to be modest when taking up running. Don't be ashamed to go on short and slow jogs (at first). A single rule to remember: weekly mileage must not increase too sharply. In order to limit risk of injury, increase by 10% at each stage.

4. But Be Diligent

Running for a long time – and feeling good while doing it – doesn't come in one day. Training must be regular, if not daily (especially at first). It is generally thought that three weekly sessions are a good starting point. Make sure to vary the program each time you run!


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