Heat Resistant Tents

Heat Resistant Tents

About Our Heat Resistant Tent Collection

Looking to get your camping on? Decathlon’s Artengo brand has you covered. When you’re out in the wilderness, you need the best gear to make your adventures as comfortable and safe as possible. That’s why we design a wide variety of heat resistant tents and accessories so you can get the best night’s sleep before your next big adventure.

What are heat resistant tents?

Our heat resistant tents are made with a special material that is both breathable and resistant to heat. They are perfect for the demanding conditions of the outdoors. We even have a special material that is water resistant and a material that is fire resistant. Our heat resistant tents provide you and your family with a safe haven from the elements while you’re on the road and on your next adventure.

Heat Resistant Clothing

Our heat resistant clothing is made with a special material that is both breathable and resistant to heat. We design our heat resistant clothing to be comfortable and durable while you’re on the road and on your next adventure. Our heat resistant socks are designed to be comfortable and breathable while protecting your feet from the elements. If you’re going to be cooking out on the trail, we’ve got you covered with heat resistant aprons and heat resistant gloves so you and your kitchen can stay safe.