Stay Balanced
Volleyball builds up your coordination. Both attacking and defending are a question of balance.
Even in beach volleyball, you won't be able to defend much if you keep falling over!
Playing volleyball is a great way to develop your balance and coordination. Attacking and defending help you work on your reflexes and your agility. You need to be quick and light on your feet and jumping develops your proprioception.
With volleyball's techniques and moves, you'll get a full and balanced workout focused on your speed, reflexes, agility and coordination.
Building Trust
The rules of volleyball make it one of the best team sports: there's no contact with the opposition and you're not allowed to keep the ball to yourself!
With teams allowed to take only three touches before hitting the ball over the net and players are prohibited from playing the ball twice in a row, you're constantly passing to and receiving from your teammates.
Some positions also come with specific responsibilities: when you're a passer, you organize plays and ensure your team mates are in the right positions to attack. In the libero position, you specialize in receiving and making life easier for your attacking team-mates. So to keep the ball in the air, you need to trust your team mates and the cohesion of the team!