Trick Scooters

Trick Scooters

About Our Scooters Collection

Decathlon’s Artengo brand specializes in creating innovative products exclusively for the most demanding athletes. Artengo designs a variety of scooters so you can find the one that’s right for you. Our scooters come in a variety of colors so you can pick one that best matches your style. Our scooters feature a folding handle so they can be folded up for easy storage and travel. We design scooters for kids and adults and we make some that can be used by more than one person! 

Trick Scooter Accessories

We know that scooters are more than just a fun way to get around–they’re a fun way to exercise! If you’re looking to take your scooter to the next level, we have a whole host of accessories for your trick scooter. We even design protective gear to keep you safe while you’re learning new moves! If you’re looking for something to put your scooter on, we have a stand that can hold multiple sizes and a pump so you can keep your scooter at the ready.