Waterproof Hiking Pants

Waterproof Hiking Pants

About Our Waterproof Hiking Pants Collection

Going hiking? Trekking through heavy rain, heavy snow, or heavy vegetation? We have the perfect gear for whatever your adventure. Decathlon’s Artengo brand designs rugged hiking pants that will keep up with you on your travels. These pants are made to be breathable and dry while maintaining a comfortable fit. They’re lightweight so they don’t weigh you down on your travels and they dry quickly after being exposed to moisture. Many of our hiking pants feature waterproof pockets so you can keep your important things safe on your journey. Many of our pants feature breathability as well, keeping you cool in even the most demanding conditions. 

Hiking Pants with additional features

We also design hiking pants with additional features like moisture wicking, anti-odor technology, and more. We design hiking pants for men, women, and kids so the whole family can go on the adventure of a lifetime. If you’re looking for more than just hiking pants, check out our hiking boots, hiking backpacks, hiking socks, hiking shirts, hiking gloves, hiking hats, hiking pants, hiking goggles, hiking knives, hiking flashlights, and hiking cookware.