Lightweight Road Bikes

Lightweight Road Bikes

About Our Lightweight Road Bikes Collection

Decathlon’s Artengo bike brand designs road bikes that are perfect for your commute to work, your trip around the city, and your solo or group outings. Our lightweight bikes are designed for speed and comfort so you can get where you need to go without sacrificing power. Efficient, responsive, and powerful, these bikes are made to handle tough terrain and rough roads so you can fly through the city no matter what type of road you're on.

Bike Accessories

We have everything you need to make your commute safe, comfortable, and enjoyable. Take a look at our bike helmets, designed to protect you in the event of a fall. If you’re on a budget, we also design bike accessories that are easy to install and come in a variety of colors. Our bike socks keep you comfortable on long rides, and our bike shorts keep you in the best position while on the move. For more, our bike pumps ensure that you’re always ready to go.